Collingwood Flea Market Outdoor Table Information

Outdoor Merchant Information- Saturdays and Sundays
(No Food Or Beverage Concessions)

1. Table Spaces- There are three kinds of table spaces. We have red, blue, and white table spaces.

1a. Red tables are the closest to the building and on the blacktop. These spots, if available have to be paid for at least a week in advance. Prices for new merchandise are as follows. Our weekend rate is $20 for the first table and $15 each additional table. If you want to just come in for a Saturday the rate is $13 for the 1st table and $10 each additional table. If you just want to come in for Sunday the rate is $20 for the 1st table and $15 each additional table. For used merchandise on red tables, the prices are as follows. Weekend rate for used merchandise on red tables is $15 per table. If you want to just come in for Saturday with used merchandise, the rate is $10. If you just want to come in on Sunday the rate is $15. Merchants must be on there space by 8:15 AM. If not, another merchant would be able to take that spot after 8:30 AM.
(Prices subject to change at anytime)

1b. Blue Tables- This is the second classification of table here at the market. These tables are reserved until 7:15AM. Again, if the merchant reserving does not show up by 7:15AM , the table can be taken by another merchant after 7:30 AM. The rates for blue tables are as follows. For new merchandise the weekend rate is $20 for the 1st table and $15 each additional table. If you want to just come in for a Saturday, the rate is $13 for the 1st table and $10 each additional table. If you just want to come in on a Sunday the rate is $20 for the 1st table and $15 each additional table. For used merchandise the weekend rate is $15 per table. For Saturday only, the rate is $10 per table. For Sunday only, the Rate is $15 per table. (Prices subject to change at anytime)

Fridays are bargains day at the Collingwood Flea Market. New merchandise on Fridays is $6 for the 1st table and $5 each additional table. Used merchandise on Fridays is just $5 per table. Ground spots are $12 each. Please contact the office if you have any questions.


1c. White Tables- These tables work on a first come/ first serve basis. No reservation is required for these tables. Rates are as follows:

For Saturdays, if you have new merchandise, the rate is $11 for the 1st table and $8 for each additional table. If you return on Sunday the rate would be $9 for the 1st table and $8 each additional table. If you have used merchandise, the rate for Saturday is $8 per table. If you return on Sunday, the rate is $8.

For Sundays, if you have new merchandise the rate is $18 for The first table and $11 each additional table. If you have used merchandise on Sunday the rate is $11 per table.
(Prices subject to change at anytime)

2. Ground Spots- Ground space is for merchants who do not want or need tables to display their merchandise. Reservation should be made ahead of time for these spaces because there are a limited number. Rates are as follows.

For new merchandise spots are $36 per spot for the weekends. For new merchandise on Saturdays the rate is $26 per spot. On Sundays, the rate is $36 per spot. For used merchandise spots are $36 per spot for the weekend. If you just want to sell on Saturdays spots are $26 per spot. If you just want to sell on Sunday spots are $36 per spot. Spots are approximately 20 X 15.
(Prices subject to change at anytime)

Outdoor Vendor Information- Friday
(No Food or Beverage Concessions)

Fridays are bargains day at the Collingwood Flea Market. New merchandise on Fridays is $6 for the 1st table and $5 each additional table. Used merchandise on Fridays is just $5 per table. Ground spots are $12 each. Certain items do get a different rate. Please contact the office if you have any questions.
(Prices subject to change at anytime)